About Sylvia

Hi! I am Sylvia.

A little over three decades ago, in a Zimbabwean boarding school, a tough conversation I had with my 14 dorm mates changed everything for me. They told me I made them feel small, and it hit hard. But it sparked a crucial realization: the impact we have on others matters deeply.

That moment set me on a path to emotional intelligence (EI), a journey from personal growth to a professional mission. And here I am, years later, passionate about bringing EI into the light, making it a tangible tool for everyone. I believe in EI that walks off the pages of textbooks and into the streets of our lives, helping us navigate relationships with grace and understanding.

It’s not just about thriving personally; it’s about creating work environments where everyone feels valued and seen, boosting not just morale but the bottom line too.

I’m all about making connections, sharing practical EI insights, and, most importantly, ensuring we all leave a sweet emotional aftertaste in our interactions. Let’s dare to care about bringing more emotional intelligence into the workplace together!

Featured Among HubSpot’s Top Female Speakers

Can you imagine cheating death and surviving an attack by an orangutan in Cameroon? Baffour has lived it. Following the tragic death of her father, she found the courage to leave her stable job and become a speaker, trainer, and executive coach. She uses courage as a weapon to live a more fulfilled life and, as President of Baffour International LCC, she helps organizations thrive and succeed.

Baffour has delivered keynotes on how leaders can use emotional intelligence to inspire and influence and the importance of a healthy work culture and ranked among the top 18 speakers at the world championship for public speaking, which began with 35,000 contestants from 126 countries.


460 +
115000 +
People inspired
370 +
Countries with Clients
22 +
Industries Served
18 +
Years in Business

Boost Team Performance with our Dare to Care™ EI Training Suite

Centered around the groundbreaking Dare to Care™ EI Framework, these programs are a deep dive into emotional intelligence, tailored to catalyze connection, resilience, and inclusive leadership.

From enhancing self-awareness to mastering conflict resolution and fostering a culture of diversity and equity, our workshops are crafted for impactful, real-world application. Invest in your team’s emotional intelligence and watch as it propels your organization to new heights of collaboration and success. Explore each program for a journey towards a more emotionally intelligent, unified, and dynamic workplace.

Learn More

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